Crypto project should generate positive news to support it expansion and users’ interest. The IOTA is a perfect example how to tease the audience amid frustrating crypto winter. The IOTA founder Dominik Schiener will be one of the key speakers at Cardano Summit 2023 in early November. "I'm excited to join this year's Cardano Summit 2023 as a speaker. Can't wait to bring our great communities closer together," Scheiner commented. This fact alone pushed IOTA prices up by 3.0%.

The Cardano and IOTA foundation was rumored to have co-op projects. Both communities hope that Cardano and IOTA might become closer to each other. Thus, an invitation of Schiner to Cardano Summit might look as a great opportunity to reveal the news. Meanwhile, IOTA prices continue up towards $0.1780, and possibly to $0.2000.