Alphabet stocks lost 35% during the general market correction. The business of the company is stable with a vast amount of free cash on the balance sheet of $112 billion, far above its debt of $14.7 billion. Alphabet was always actively invested in its long-term development. So, the current decline of its stock prices is seen unjustified.

Gaming businesses like Google cloud rose by 37.6% during the last quarter. Investors were disappointed with the company’s Earnings per share (EPS) that came out at $1.24, the same as in the respective quarter of 2021. But the company has a large investment program. It has increased the number of its employees by 24.5%. A strong Dollar has also hampered Alphabet revenues outside the U.S.

The revenue of the company is expected to grow primarily from other bets the company is investing in. Its current stock prices, with a significant discount to its peak, are seen to be good buy opportunities.