Market prices of aluminium futures rolled down from its March 7 highs by more than 12%. However, that peak was updated recently and was seen to be closer to a similar price pattern last autumn when short-term downward movements stopped within three weeks and the rally resumed in December. Mining companies and distributors in the commodity sector, fortunately, are far from being a linear function of the current changes in market prices of commodities but they are certainly taking advantage of persisting high prices. 

The revenue of Alcoa for the Q4 2021 accounted for $3.34 billion. Its earnings of $2.5 per share is beating not only the average Wall Street expert forecasts of $1.93 but is also three times higher compared to Q1 2021, setting Alcoa’s all-time record. The next report is going to be released on April 14, which may increase investment appetites. 

Alcoa shares have already set fresh price records twice in March, exceeding the January peak levels by 150%. However, the company that produces bauxite, alumina, and which globally distributes aluminium products  may receive additional advantages from further fragmentation of the world's metal market after sanctions against Russia have definitely disrupted regular supplies and which are prompting spot and futures prices to rise.