Monero (XMR) is experiencing a 4.5% rise to $136.16 this week, with a minor pullback observed after reaching $140.34, marking a 7.5% increase on Tuesday. Notably, XMR is outperforming Bitcoin (BTC), which has only seen a 1.6% increase to $70,300 per coin.

During the recent crypto market correction at the end of March, XMR managed to hold above the support level at $125.00. Now, it's aiming for $150.00 in a bid to reclaim its established uptrend since June 18, 2022. While an initial attempt was made in March, the current effort appears more promising. Additionally, the Monero network is advancing with the Fluorine Fermi update.

The $150.00 barrier is viewed as robust and formidable. Surpassing it will pose a challenge, but if achieved, ambitious targets at $225.00 and beyond could be within reach.