Zillow is the largest real estate market place in the United States. Its stocks are trading with 77% discount to their peak prices that were recorded in 2021. Correction of tech stocks and real estate market slowdown affected by high interest rates have a negative impact on Zillow stock prices. However, Zillow has the online business with high margins that is set to rebound at the appropriate moment.

Despite lower numbers of transactions, the company has reported that its internet traffic is mostly unchanged. It could indicate that Americans are seeking to buy houses that may eventually turn into real purchase once interest rates go down, or prices tumble.

Anybody who wants to buy a house in America will likely find in on one of the Zillow websites. The company reported 10.5 billion views during 2023, which was up by 3% YoY. The primary source of the revenues are now commissions, but the management is working to introduce mortgages. The company has other opportunities to monetize its business. Zillow offers insurance, renovation services, moving services, etc. Thus, its stocks remain promising in the long run.