Chevron (CVX) shares experienced a 4.7% increase, reaching $150.80 per share in December. This surge occurred on December 13, coinciding with Brent crude reaching $80.00 per barrel. Despite differing forecasts for crude oil prices, with some anticipating a decline in the first quarter of 2024 due to reduced demand and others expecting a rise in January due to new OPEC+ oil production cuts, I prefer not to take unnecessary risks. Even if we assume that Brent crude will stabilize around $80.00 per barrel in the next 1-2 months, energy stocks could present an intriguing opportunity. Given that oil producer stocks have lagged behind the broader market, particularly major tech companies, many might find such an opportunity appealing. The ongoing consolidation of Chevron stock near the uptrend, coupled with its growth in the past two weeks, suggests more ambitious targets. I identify a target of $175 per share, reflecting a 16% increase from the current entry point of $150.00-151.00. To mitigate potential losses, a stop-loss could be set at $125.