Northrop Grumman stocks are trading close to their highs. That is a very impressive achievement  considering the current general market correction. The company presented a new B-21 Raider, a stealth strategic bomber. This aircraft could be compared to the introduction of a Boeing 787 that was a true milestone in aviation history.

This bomber is projected to replace the B-2 and B-52 models and cost much less that an average $2 billion per one B-2. B-21 is scheduled to fly in 2023, but not many details about the aircraft’s construction has been disclosed. Cloud computing was reported to be used to enhance the control over military objectives achievement.

Analysts suggest that the cost of each B-21 aircraft will not exceed $550 million, while the U.S. Air force is planning to buy from 100 to 175 units. This may bring the Northrop Grumman $55-96 billion, with some revenues to be received in 2023. Revenues from this project are expected to grow significantly in 2024. The company has many military orders, so the price target of $700 per NOC stock seems to be quite achievable.