Fastly is a very spectacular asset. Despite its stock prices almost doubling since the beginning of 2023, they are still 90% below their peak levels. Such a huge drop of prices was prompted by a series of troubles related to the breakaway from its large client and some server failures. However, the situation has improved tremendously over the last few months.

The firm reported revenues up by 15% to $117.6 million in the Q1 2023. The management is expecting $495-505 million in revenue in 2023. This is almost a quarter of the market capitalisation of the company. This means its stocks are significantly undervalued. The gross margin has also improved to 55.6%, supported by the scale effect as maintenance spending became relatively lower compared to the scale of expansion.

Fastly is deeply involved in Internet content production. As a leading CDN solutions provider the firm has over 3,000 clients, including 500 of the largest corporations in the U.S.