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Affiliate program

At Metadoro, we prioritize transparency and simplicity, which extends to our partnership offerings. Recognizing the uniqueness of each partner, our flexibility—both technically and commercially—sets us apart.

Revenue sharing

Share your experience with Metadoro to others and have the possibility to earn for new client registration, account funding and trading activity. Enjoy the advantages of all existing affiliate programs on the market in one. Get awards for each client onboarded by the company.

Introducing Broker

Help us build a financial ecosystem, share our beliefs with others and earn from customers you bring to the company. We will provide personal terms of cooperation depending on the market in which you work and your activity.

Affiliation Network

Multi-level affiliate program with flexible accrual conditions and bonuses for the highest results.

Key Advantages of Metadoro Affiliates / IBs / Ambassadors:
Revenue Share up to 60%
A suite of tools and comprehensive support for growing your Affiliate Business
Flexibility and an individual approach based on your needs
Career and growth opportunities, including becoming your Region / Country Ambassador
Multi-level affiliate structure
Did you know?

80% of potential partnership discussions result in positive outcomes, marking the beginning of our collaboration.

Don't hesitate to initiate the discussion; we're here to listen, understand your needs, and discover the best possible synergies for mutual business growth. Click the Submit button, and let's chat!

Let’s talk about growing your revenue.
No pressure. No obligations. Just a quick chat to see if we’re a good fit.