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  • Trading Session Changes: Europe Daylight Saving Time
Popular 24.03.2025

Trading Session Changes: Europe Daylight Saving Time

Dear clients,

Please note that there will be changes to trading sessions due to Daylight saving time in Europe.

10 March, 2025

Group of Instruments Instruments Session Changes
CFD on Stocks LSE (all), XETRA (all), Euronext (all), BM (all), USG 09:02 - 17:29
SIX (all) 09:02 - 17:19
CFD on Indices FRA40, IT40, EUR50, CH20 08:02 - 21:55
ES35 09:02 - 19:55
GER40 00:05 - 22:55
CFD on Metals XALUSD, XCUUSD, XBPUSD, XZNUSD 02:05 - 19:55
XNIUSD 09:05 - 19:55
CFD on Currencies USDRON 01:05 - 22:55

Please note the above changes may be subject to further amendments; kindly check Specifications within the trading platform for final session details. The times indicated everywhere above correspond to UTC+2.