Tech Giants Are Sliding into a Correction: Meta, Apple, Amazon, Microsoft and Alphabet

Are tech giants the same in terms of investment attraction?

Kit composition
Chart from 03.11.2022
The American stock market is continuing with its downslide into a correction amid monetary tightening by the Federal Reserve (Fed) and a high level of economic uncertainty. Investors prefer to park their money in risk averse assets such as U.S. Treasuries, gold, and stocks of some tech giants that have a big market cap which are more or less considered as safe haven assets. Amazon, Apple, and Microsoft are considered to have enough strength to weather any turbulence as their stocks may jump back once the market sentiment improves. This so called FAAMG group with Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Microsoft, and Google - that have recently published their Q3 2022 reports - is worth considering as additions to investment portfolios. But are they the same in terms of investment attraction?


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