Marks and Spencer Group plc operates various retail stores. It operates through five segments: UK Clothing & Home, UK Food, International, Ocado, and All Other. The company offers protein deli and dairy; produce; ambient and in-store bakery; meals dessert and frozen; and hospitality and "Food on the Move' products. The company also provides womenswear, menswear, lingerie, kids wear, and home products; financial services, including credit cards, payment solutions, insurances, savings, and loans; and renewable energy services. In addition, it invests in and develops real estate properties; operates international franchises; and provides its products online. The company also exports its products. It operates 1,487 stores in worldwide. The company was founded in 1884 and is headquartered in London, the United Kingdom.
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CFD Trading: MetaTrader 5
CFD Trading: MetaTrader 5
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