Dexus is one of Australia's leading real estate groups, proudly managing a high-quality Australian property portfolio valued at $32.1 billion. We believe that the strength and quality of our relationships will always be central to our success and are deeply committed to working with our customers to provide spaces that engage and inspire. We invest only in Australia, and directly own $16.5 billion of office and industrial properties. We manage a further $15.6 billion of office, retail, industrial and healthcare properties for third party clients. The group's $11.4 billion development pipeline provides the opportunity to grow both portfolios and enhance future returns. With 1.6 million square metres of office workspace across 51 properties, we are Australia's preferred office partner. Dexus is a Top 50 entity by market capitalisation listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (trading code: DXS) and is supported by more than 29,000 investors from 24 countries. With 36 years of expertise in property investment, development and asset management, we have a proven track record in capital and risk management, providing service excellence to tenants and delivering superior risk adjusted returns for investors.
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CFD Trading: MetaTrader 5
CFD Trading: MetaTrader 5
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