Typically, the first month of the year hints at a moral tone and mindsets for many more weeks to come. Wall Street's major indexes stood firmly on their feet, with the S&P 500 broad barometer closing at 6,038, well above the 6,000 psychological barrier against a big haircut. However, some cloud formations were massing twice over the horizon. Many investors still wonder if the Chinese chat model DeepSeek is just a cheap "knock-off" and a "deep fake" or a lingering killer of formerly shining futures for flagship artificial intelligence businesses led by NVIDIA in this context. The double-digit percentage losses in the blink of an eye were quite painful and unexpected for particular stocks, but some of them bravely withstood the blow, while other techs even stood aside of unpleasant corrective moves. Our task is to bring a short list of them to your kind attention. Those firms also remained almost unaffected by "on-again-off-again" tariff uncertainty from the new White House decisions in Donald Trump's commercial battles with Canada, Mexico, potentially EU and, which is most important, China to cause retaliation measures. Sustainable benefits can be found even in the darkest of times if one only remembers to turn on the bright side, while being more selective on the issuers' choice.
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