Top digital assets have lost more than 50% since the beginning of 2022. Times like these are the most appropriate to pick up coins at cheaper prices for long-term investment portfolios. When selected digital assets recover to their highs, investors could double their initial capital.
Bitcoin (BTC) prices are forecasted to hit $100,000, while Ethereum (ETH) is expected to hit $10,000. This may not become a reality, but the trend is clear. New projects are growing faster than the old ones. BTC has been gained 130% since the beginning of 2021, while ETH prices surged by 400%. New projects like NEAR Protocol, made a fantastic profit 1300% for the same period.
However, digital assets selected for long-term investments in the bearish market should be exercised with extreme caution as not many of them are able to survive bearish pressure in the long run. Thus, infrastructure projects with DeFi protocols are looking promising, as well as their native tokens.
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