During a period of deep market correction is the best time to open new perspective long-term positions. This is particularly true for the highly volatile crypto industry with elevated spikes and dips of crypto assets. This being said, it doesn’t mean that a random selection of coins should be included into a portfolio. Risks for each coin should be evaluated to select those that could survive a long crypto winter.
Most of the crypto projects that were favourites during the previous crypto rally in 2017 have failed to survive a long-lasting bearish market. DASH, NEO, EOS, and some other top market coins in terms of capitalisation have not recovered to their peak values. Technological obsolescence and inability to revitalise networks have doomed these projects from becoming favourites.
A rapid development in decentralised finances, metaverses, gaming projects, and user retention engines are much easier to create. This is also agreed upon by institutional investors that are actively funding new effective infrastructure developments on top of new blockchain protocols.
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