What happened was these businesses had a similar background of partially losing their positive momentum for only a couple of months or maybe a quarter, but their mid-term potential still looks very strong. The overall dynamics in 2024 on Wall Street was so bullish regarding further prospects of the S&P 500 and Nasdaq indices. Excited stock crowds just had exaggerated expectations ahead of the last corporate earnings season, especially for leading movers in the AI universe. In particular, even new record numbers in profit and revenue lines were not enough for resetting new price peaks on charts. On other occasions, the beating waves of profit taking let the stock down following a rather impaired inner outlook for the first half of this coming year. A cautious approach towards some companies own projections for the start of 2025 make headway against their further rise for a while, even when there was no signs of actual weaknesses over the previous year of 2024. Therefore, the Wall Street consensus on target areas by analyst pool from market-making funds are still substantially higher then current prices for each company.
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