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Major Risks for Tech Giants: Apple

Apple stocks have had a very impressive performance amid a clearly bearish market while losing only 20% of their peak values. However, investors should be prepared for elevated turbulence in these stocks considering the situation in China.

China’s zero-tolerance policy to COVID-19 led to a massive exit of employees from Zhengzhou city plant amid fears over tightening curbs. Over 200,000 workers are rumoured to have left the plant. If this is true, the production of iPhone 14 Pro and iPhone 14 Pro Max would be very complicated with no clear outlook on when it could be resumed. The delivery delay shown on Apple’s website has already hit six weeks. Americans who ordered the brand new IPhone for Thanksgiving Day will only receive it for Christmas now. Meanwhile the last two months of the year are very valuable for any mass-market company in terms of holiday sales.


Apple is planning to move iPhone production to India. But that would require years. The company has already invested $75 billion in the Chinese market and now this investment may be at risk as the ruling Communist party in China may put a local ban on the sale of Apple products. China is the third largest market for Apple with the United States at the first place with $153 billion and Europe at the second with $95 billion. Wall Street is expecting Apple’s earning to go up by five percent over the next three years. So, any troubles with production in China may alter these forecasts. 

Major Risks for Tech Giants: Tesla

Tesla is unique in terms of its share price. TSLA stocks rallied long before the company established the production of viable and steady electric vehicles (EV) and also thanks to the reputation of its leader Elon Musk. It is true that Tesla sometimes misses its mark and deadlines to launch new models and products but it seems that the crowd invests in Tesla not for its hit-and-run strategy but because of their belief in Musk’s ability to transform our everyday life in the long run.

Tesla stocks are trading 60% off their peak prices thanks to the market correction that has been squeezing the market since the end of 2021. Nevertheless, market participants are discussing some drivers that may hit the company’s business. For example, lower gasoline prices may hamper EV sales. It is true that Americans are now paying around $3.6 per gallon compared to $5 a few months ago. But this driver is largely exaggerated as gasoline prices is not the major reason for someone to buy an electric car. A move towards green energy and minimising carbon footprints is not a short term affair, but a sustainable long-term trend that is supported by governments, including the United States and China. Besides. oil producers forecast global demand will outweigh the supply side over the coming years while also betting on higher prices of fuel. So, no short-term movements of gasoline prices would affect EV buyers, as well as TSLA stock buyers.

The more serious issue is the declining prices for Tesla’s second-hand EVs. Tesla used cars are now 15% cheaper after a summer peak. If this downtrend is sustained pressure on sales of new model could mount. Tesla is planning to increase EV’s quarterly production to 500,000 by the end of 2022 and it is likely to increase production further after launching new production facilities in Berlin and Austin. But Tesla is not a mass market. So, Tesla fans are unlikely to pay much more to get a brand-new Tesla.

The Most Generous Corporates: eBay

eBay stocks are trading 50% off their peak prices despite significant progress in key businesses that increase the possibility of an increasing turnover of the auction platform. The dividend yield of the company is at 2.2%, while its buyback yield is at an impressive 24.4%. So, the overall reward for investors is at 26.6% in 2022, a record among public corporates. eBay has bought back shares for $5.3 billion during the last four quarters. So, outstanding shares have been reduced to 551 million from 685 million a year ago.

The company is actively developing collectable trading, including an acquisition of TCGplayer, a marketplace where enthusiasts exchange their collectables like Pokemon, Magic: The Gathering and others. The most important service that the platform provides is guaranteed authenticity of the collectables that ensures the buyers will not be subject to scams and also protect sellers from any malicious fraud. eBay has recently made this service available for jewellery above $500.

The company has published strong forward guidance for Q4 2022 with turnover at $17.8 billion, revenues at $2.46 billion, and EPS at $1.06. The EPS in the Q4 2021 was at $1.05. So, considering the tense situation in the retail market this year, any figures above record values of 2021 should be considered an achievement. eBay stocks will be able to recover rapidly to their peak prices once the market reverses to the upside, and that would mean 100% profit from the current values.

Perspective Peers of Ethereum: Avalanche

Avalanche is ranked by Coinmarketcap at the 12th position by market cap with $7.8 billion, which is 4% less than Ethereum’s market cap. AVAX prices dropped by 82% of its peak values, allowing investors to buy it at early 2021 prices. Avalanche’s infrastructure consists of three logically isolated networks, each of these with their own processing, validators, and own set of rules.

This platform is often compared to the existing internet web infrastructure with core connection protocols like HTTP, surrounded by a huge number of networks to their apps. Avalanche allow for the creation of public and private systems as a blockchain or DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph) and for the use of different virtual machines for apps, including EVM engine (Ethereum Virtual Machine) that allows Enthereum network programs to be developed.

Avalanche includes C-chain to create smart contracts that are processed on an advanced EVM engine, P-Chain that coordinates validators that process transactions and also allows for the creation and management of new subnetworks, and X-Chain which is a directed acyclic graph regulating issuance and trade of cryptoassets. DAG systems record new transactions on top of the old ones, allowing for processing speed to be increased and for capacity substantially. It is quite different to other blockchains, where transactions are compiled in blocks in order to be processed.

The advantage of Avalanche is that it provides anyone with the opportunity to create his or her own isolated blockchain with its own set of parameters, including access to apps and the programming language with which it will work. Every subnetwork can process around 4,500 transactions per second compared to 14 processed by the Ethereum network.

The Most Generous Corporates: Capital One

Capital One Financial corporation shares are trading at 50% off their peak prices. This has inspired the management of the company to deliver a massive buyback program bringing the buyback yield to 19.3%. Together with 2.7% dividend yield, this has made the company one of the most generous in the market. COF shares are in great demand among investors that are focused on value stocks, such as Oakmark Fund with more than $45 billion in assets under management.

The specialisation of Capital One is mostly credit cards, auto loans provided to substandard borrowers, or in other words, people with high credit risk profiles. This business is highly profitable, although it does bear high risks too. The company says it has a reliable risk assessment model in place to run the business. The lender generates not only higher margins compared to its peers, but overruns regulators’ requirements of capital adequacy with 13.6% vs required 6%. Considering these criteria, the company is in line with some of the largest banking institutions in the world, like JP Morgan with 14.1% and the Bank of America with 12.8%.

The company’s capital base, which is built on clients’ deposits, is enough to conduct high-margin lending. Such a model of cheap resources is not only profitable but it is also stable. Capital One has a margin of 10-15% on its tangible equity. The interest for the company’s services is unlikely to decline in the foreseeable future considering the current economic environment. So, COF shares could be selected for long term investments with the upside potential of 30-40% once the market starts recovering.

Three Stocks Thought to Climb in April 2022: Archer-Daniels-Midland

London wheat futures (LWBc1) rose to £307.50 per tonne by March 31. This is more than 35% higher than £226.5 recorded a couple of days before the start of military conflict in Ukraine. By the beginning of April wheat contracts were about 61.5% higher than in the same season a year ago. Barley was up by almost 44% during March 2022, while U.S. Corn Futures were almost a quarter more expensive than at the beginning of January. 

In some parts of the world there are food shortages due to crop failures and supply disruptions following the corona crisis. Top level politicians, including speakers of the French agriculture ministry and U.S. President Joe Biden, are referring to this as direct consequences of war as well as consequences of economic and financial sanctions that were placed on Russia. Russia and Ukraine together account for up to a quarter of global wheat exports and almost a fifth of all corn deliveries, as well as 12% of the total calories supplied to the world market, according to Bloomberg. These two countries produce grain at lower prices than North America and Europe. In recent days, Russian authorities have also been actively discussing options like selling resources for national currency or even only to "friendly countries". 

Anyway, even if food prices did partially stabilise, they probably remain high. One of the largest agricultural originations and processing companies, Archer-Daniels-Midland may further benefit from the situation. It offers sustainable nutrition for humans and animals, and it is also engaged in developing energy and bio-based alternatives. Big money may continue to lift the stock even though the ADM price is almost 40% higher compared to pre-Christmas dates. It could easily become the next hot stock. The company's cap now exceeds $50 billion, but it may become even higher before the release of the next quarterly report scheduled for May 3. ADM sales and earnings are growing at double-digit rates, as its one-year sales growth rate was 32.4%, and three-year equity per share (EPS) growth rate was above 19%. Nearly 9% of the short-term correction of the ADM shares which were priced down on March 25-29 have already met active demand, causing quotes to quickly recover more than half of the correction losses.

Top-7 Anti-crisis Stocks at Wall Street: Walmart

The chains of discount stores in the United States like Walmart or Target look to be immune to inflation surges or even may win in consumers' attention when the prices are going up all over the country. Consumer inflation almost reached the level of 8% year-on-year in March. Financial regulators are not in a hurry to act decisively against it. Until recently, the Federal Reserve considered inflation as a transitional phenomenon. In such conditions, many households tend to save their money by visiting stores where they have a chance to buy cheaper. During the pandemic, Walmart has increased the number of its customers by offering free deliveries and a smart loyalty program. This process is only going faster in the face of rising retail prices for food and convenience goods. 

Walmart's financial report on February 17 revealed an all-time record sales of more than $150 billion in the history of this chain of stores, plus an increase in net profit compared to the previous quarter and only a slight decrease in profit compared to the first half of 2021. A solid report helped Walmart stocks to gain almost 8% in the following four weeks, but the peak values of 2021 are still about 6% higher. So these stocks could be characterized as potential value stocks with at least enough free space above the current price to previous records. And with a tailwind, such kinds of stocks could be a rather stable anti-inflation instrument for investors. 

Top-7 Anti-crisis Stocks at Wall Street: Netflix

Both of the two world's most popular streaming services mentioned above, Netflix and Disney+, deserve their places among this set of successful and fast growing businesses, at least for better balance of risks and potential profits. Netflix stocks already lost more than half of its record value of $700 per share, reached in November 2021. However, the main reason was a logically irrational but fast downward movement in January after the company collected the maximum revenue of $7.7 billion in its history but failed to please the public by the number of new subscribers. Just in one night, the capitalization of Netflix sank more than 20%, as the streaming service added 8.28 million new customers from October to December, but estimated it would be able to attract "only" 2.5 million subscribers for the next three-months period. For some reasons, polls showed average expectations of more than twice better prognoses of about 5.9 million subscribers expected in the first quarter of 2022. It would be strange to keep such a high pace after a prosperous Christmas season, plus in conditions when no more corona lockdowns were awaited. 

Further bearish moves continued to develop mostly under its own inertia. However, as soon as there would be the first signs of a comeback start in Netflix shares, with its new season of "The Witcher" and other premiere events, the prospect of a great profitable return here may cause a huge interest in this asset. Sales of Netflix for the first two quarters of pandemic 2020 was $5.77 billion and $6.15 billion, respectively, and each of them was much lower than last figures of $7.71 billion. The formal profit of business now is lower but exclusively thanks to the costs of creating new attractive shows. So, it all works to bring and keep customers from all over the world. Netflix picked up more than 36 million subscribers in 2020 plus 18.2 million more in 2021. Most of them are loyal Netflix customers. So, even if each quarter of 2022 brings 2.5 million newcomers, then on average it could potentially give about 10 millions, which looks quite a normal result to justify the potential comeback in price. 

Artificial Intelligence and Air Transport: C3.ai

C3.ai stocks lost nearly 90% of their peak prices of 2021. The large AI software provider’s stock prices are now less than 50% of the IPO price. It seems that the time for buying C3.ai stocks for long-term investments has now arrived. For the fiscal Q4 2022 that ended April 30 revenues rose by 38% year-on-year to $72.3 million, while the number of clients increased by 48% to 223. The company has reached agreements with large corporates like PwC, Ernst & Young, and Accenture.

The company previously focused on oil & gas and industrial corporations, but is now expanding further to financials, healthcare, and other sectors. Oil and Gas client bookings increased by 95%, while other sectors increased by 116%. The company is the most famous in its niche, so it is a clear choice for any corporation that wants to improve the automation of its operations.

AI Enterprise value is at $978 million while revenues for the fiscal year of 2023 are expected at $316 million, making forward EV/S (enterprise value to sales) at 3, which is a very low ratio for a company with such huge potential. C2.ai has recently received FedRAMP status that allows the company to deliver its solutions to U.S. Federal Government entities with large budgets.

The price of AI stocks may reach $50 after market sentiment changes to positive.


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